26 October 2008


I checked my application status on Saturday. I have officially been accepted to transfer to the University of Utah.


Many will probably think I am making the wrong decision--that I am adding time to my graduation. Yes I am. But after some very long conversations with Whitney, I know I am making the correct choice. Something that she said that stuck out to me was "you need to stop saying 'i only have xxxx left and then i can finally be done! or finally get on to something worth my time!' ... you need to start living more in the now. live life in the now instead of always thinking about what you are going to be doing in six months or a year."

and she is so right. college should be a fun time in life. and especially since I'm paying for it, I shouldn't hate going to the school that I attend. which is why I am transferring. I will be much happier at the U. I met a lot of good people and experienced a lot of good things while attending BYU, now it's time to have a new experience at the U and possibly enjoy my last year of college instead of loathing it :)


16 October 2008

Sweeney Todd!

more hot PIES!

28 September 2008

18 September 2008

birthday wishes

Every year, people ask me what I want for my birthday. I don't really "need" anything. But I get paid by meridian on the 24th so I thought I would cash my check and probably treat myself to a few of these things: (not everything of course)


Every job I have had to this point at BYU has been in the basement of a building. Not anymore! I am on the fourth floor of the Tanner Building (Marriott School of Business) and I have a great window view of the south valley.

I think i deserve it.

16 September 2008

i think private school really means:

ability for parents or even other teachers to take students out of your class at anytime multiple days in a row.

that's what i think private school means.

11 September 2008

sweeney auditions

When: Friday, Sept. 19 5-8 PM

Where: BYU HFAC E-251

What: Bring 32 bars highlighting your abilities. An accompanist will be provided.

Callbacks will be held Saturday, Sept. 20 1-3 PM HFAC D-341

Cast members from previous castle Sweeney productions need only come to callbacks
The show will be Directed by Mindy Nelsen and Music Directed by Korianne Johnson.
The roles of Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett will be played by Neal Johnson and Barta Heiner

For more information, Please contact Nick Stone by email or phone:
nickcstone@gmail.com 801-367-6538


09 September 2008

i don't know what the actual job title for this is, but i would be content to be this guy:

"oh crap, everything is going wrong. there is no way everything will get done ...... " or something like that.

to where my name is thrown around as the guy to call.

"you should call nick stone. he can work miracles."

love it.

04 September 2008

please come to my show.




i know that we are all busy in our own sense.

but i'm not quite sure that many of those around me actually have a clue of how many different projects, activities, assignments, trips, etc, etc, i actually have going on. i think most would probably want to pass out and quit.

me too! but you know, i think what keeps me going right now is actually being able to see graduation. mmmm....graduation. (then what?! haha -- not thinking about that right now.)

i just turned in two dvds of a video and a cd with some radio ads i edited for the marriott school. i don't think they realized that the time leading up to their completion involved some castle errands, teaching two classes yesterday, going to one of my night classes, reading for humanities, helping julie get ready for her shoot this afternoon, and AND being in class.

let the games begin.

01 September 2008

the beginning. of what should be the end! (finally)

well first things first. i bought an iphone. yes. it is done. i tried the verizon version of the iphone, but it's not syncable to my laptop, so i have been frustrated. i plugged in the iphone and BAM all my contacts, email addresses, calendar, and favorite music ready to go! it's pretty much awesome. there i said it. and i will be paying about 40 dollars less a month (yes really 40 dollars less.) so within 5 months the phone will basically have paid for itself. i named her beyonce III.

secondly. my classroom is finally ready. (thanks to emily and wald.) it has a beautiful red wall to accompany the other three gold-ish walls. it's a very warm and inviting room now! and it no longer has nasty purple trimmed doors and windows. it still needs some decorating, but i think i am going to have an activity where i have the students make their own "cover album" on old LP jackets, and then we'll hang those up around the class. i'm looking for some other cool posters and such, and maybe i'll have the awesome new art teacher come start a collage or something. him and i are new best friends. him and his wife own a really AWESOME clothing store in provo. it's called mode. i would love to work there a few hours a week just to get a discount or something. he's an awesome guy and i'm really excited to be working with him. remind me sometime to talk about how everyone thinks i'm too young to teach. more probably because of the way i dress. i bought some new khakis today. and for my birthday i'm hoping to get some new clothes from mode.

thirdly. the beginning of my "real" senior year has begun. and truly it will be my senior year. i have had some really romantic thoughts about being done with school by now, but realistically it was near impossible. (i just wanted to think that in some way it was doable. well that's not the case when you still need 30 credits combined of GE's and other classes even though all my major courses are completed). i have a not necessarily extra hard classes ahead of me, but i do have a full plate this semester. and next semester.

fourthly. i've been trying to figure out where my "next step" will be after this year. i want to head east to be closer to my older siblings. or at least closer than now. i think my first choice would be to get an apprenticeship with this theater. it would be a paid apprenticeship and it would give me a chance to live in the city where i am thinking about grad school. the application isn't due until starting in late may, and they encourage prospects to come and visit sometime the year they apply. so i can go visit jon and his family for a weekend and also visit the theater.

fifthly. i'm really proud of merry wives. i was having a conversation with tracey the other night and i told her that i was really appreciative this year when i would ask her things and she would respond with "what do you think is best, you are in charge." and i sat back for a moment and really thought about that. -- yeah i am in charge. i get to make the decisions i want. (mostly.) and whether the show turns out good or bad has a lot to do with me. usually i'm just there to help out the person who is really in charge, but this year that was me! and i've decided that i'm actually pretty damn good at it. yes, i have a lot to learn, but for me it has been a challenging experience with great rewards. although after this rainstorm from the weekend i'm scared to go see how the set looks.....

sixthly. i have the feeling that i am going to be really tired this year. really really tired. haha. i know i always say that life couldn't possibly get any busier, but i think i have just blown all of my old records out of the water. i am going to be busy, but i am going to try and blog more as well. because even though my site tracker says no one reads my blog (probably because i don't update often enough haha) i am going to blog for my own person journaling. as always. that's what it's always been.

i wish i had some pictures. i will soon.

08 August 2008


Merry Wives opens in two weeks. I am doing nothing really besides getting things ready for the show. yay!

love it!

here are some photos from tonight: i am in love with barta.

21 July 2008

for all of you non facebookers

my friend kris and i had fun taking some pictures on sunday.


15 July 2008

i think i'm in what one might call a rut. haha. don't get me wrong. my life for the most part is -- good. but nothing in the past year, it seems, has gone the way i intended for them to go. i switched jobs in january from speeches. a very good change, but to a job where my description sometimes changes day to day. (and maybe that's why i don't hate it.) job and work wise i've always been pretty lucky to be quite choosey as to where I work. i hope that is at least one trend that I can always have no matter where i go or what i do.

i thought i would be done with school. i was off. way off. well not way off, just off. i want to be done with school -- yet it's one of my constants that i grasp, even if i complain about it. school is school and will always be school. i can always count on it for that.

i thought i would be moving to new york city in august. and i think i'm pretty sure i've removed that completely off the table. at least for now.

i'm trying to find a reasonable place to live in provo. with griff -- now that's just fun no matter where we live. but still i don't really want to pay to live in a dive. of course, sometimes the dives can be fun .... ??? haha. we'll see how that plays out.

here's the confusing one for me. i'm starting to enjoy reading more. i have bought more books this past year than i have ever purchased. right now i am reading one called "the china study" (thanks clawson). it's a good thing to do while i'm riding the bus.

friend circles haven't changed, but friends have come and gone. moving here, there, and maybe back again. i have fun with my core friends like whitney, griff, and stacey. miss my friends like michelle (sorry ross. i wish you were around more but referring to michelle clawson who lives in vegas), laura, julianna, and enjoy my new friends like katy, steve, riley, and megan. all offer me different perspectives on just about everything.

things aren't terrible here in utah, but i still have this underlying desire to go. i don't know what that "going" involves. just that next chapter. i'm to the point where i want to skip ahead to the next chapter because it's only a few pages away, but then realize that i need to read the last few pages and not skip ahead because there is important information that I will need in order to be more prepared for the following chapters.

i get myself so excited about things, and then sort of freak myself out.

so for now -- i'm going to remain excited. excited! because graduation really is around the corner. summer is full of exciting things with merry wives starting to come charging full speed ahead with sweeney todd looking like it will happen in oct as well. two exciting shows! (and maybe i can be in sweeney...).

bring it on world.

05 July 2008

the summer for...

this has become the summer for a lot of things. as busy as i stay i've had more time to stay busy with things i enjoy. last weekend we went hiking up to ensign peak (north of salt lake over looking the city). if i can, i am going to try and go hiking every saturday or sunday. today we hiked to silver lake up american fork canyon. (pictures to follow once i get them from marianne.) griff and i seized the opportunity to jump into the glacier fed lake while paul and marianne watched -- they were the smart ones.

i love being outside. away from my computer. away from where my cell phone works. and hiking for the most part is one of those recreational activities where you are getting a great work out without even realizing that you are exercising. next week i'll be up at bear lake with stacey. hopefully there will be a fun hike we can go on.

i have been listening to sondre lerche a lot lately. he did the music from dan in real life (thanks michelle for helping me find motivation to look up his name.) he is accompanying while i write this blog. check him out if you haven't yet.

oh. well i'm back in school now. finished the crazy intense 9 credit spring term. and now i'm just enrolled in one class with the castle as an "internship." the end of school is getting closer and closer. i keep running into frustrating road blocks with classes i still need for GE requirements and such. but i know i've been saying this for like two years now. this coming year WILL BE the year i graduate.


also. my next post will be discussion the new title of my blog (vagablogging). or at least a definition.

marin county

this is the best one from my trip up to see clark, morgan, and jill. it was a very short short trip, but really a great chance to do some much needed catching up. hopefully it won't be another 5 years before i see them.

for those of you who read my blog by reader

I have put up a new header photo. you should let me know if you approve or disapprove.

writing to follow.

29 June 2008

returning soon.

to a blog near you.

01 June 2008

I found this photo from last summer? ... i can't remember how long ago it was. Yeah it had to have been last summer. I just think it is one of my better photo taking moments.

Looking good tina and jonas.

13 May 2008


06 May 2008

class 9am- 6:30 pm

with one break from 2-3:30. I usually go to work.

but you know what? i'm realizing something -- it's not biology and it's not american heritage. i actually enjoy what i'm learning. here is a break down

391 -- film theory. basically we sit around and talk about film theorists and how film is more than just watching a film but that there is SO MUCH more going on. it's more of a philosophy class about people/culture interactions etc. it's a great class and since it's all about theory and philosophy, all of the assignments are such that there really is no wrong answer. tough as hell, but i'm learning a lot.

291 -- film history I. we have started from the beginning and are slowly working our way through the creation of film and by june we'll get to around the golden age of cinema which is during the war time. this class is awesome. we watch films that all "film people" should have under their belts, we talk about the important people and the important influences. again -- lovin it so far.

293 -- documentary history. documentary is conversation about ideas. you can talk about it in terms of rhetoric, structure, access, etc. it's awesome. watch docs, then talk about them. also lovin it.

7 more weeks of this! oh and throw in the Apple WWDC from june 9-13th. the week before this term ends. ha! i'll talk more about that as we get closer....

04 May 2008

a long silence

Finally! Some photos from my weekend in california. My new friends we met down there posted some photos on facebook.

To put it in a nutshell. The three days of music was non-stop amazing fun. And meeting these four girls was pretty awesome! Nothing like having new friends in Chicago. Oh and yes, the man standing behind matt is David Hasselhoff. SUCH a fun weekend. Maybe again next year?

For the rest of you: if you want me to hear about the weekend, call me. I'll tell you all about it. :)

20 April 2008

i reach a point

where i can no longer focus on what i need to get done. i have reached this point.

so i pushed random, and laid down. this is much better.

18 April 2008

Happy Birthday Madison!

Too bad you missed your birthday party!

Whitney and I went to the mall to get sunglasses, had lunch at wingers, went to FYE, the DI, tanning (so I don't burn next week in california), and ate a ben's cookie.

Here are some photos from the fun:

Every once and a while I get a photo of myself that I actually really like. Today was one of those days:

14 April 2008

summer plans

this picture is of me sitting here at 11:35 with an empty house and annoying cats at the kitchen counter editing my 457 class on my amazing macbook pro. (VERY LONG RUN ON SENTENCE!)

i am only allowed to work 20 hrs a week again this spring summer since i am enrolled in classes. or at least that is what people are telling me. i've been thinking maybe i will get a second summer job where i can work 2 or 3 or even just once a week. something more for a social interaction outlet. don't get me wrong, i love my co-workers, but there is something to be said about working in a small room with no windows staring at a computer as you edit video....

i know that the castle usually offers this sort of social interaction i desire, and i plan on it doing just that-- but what about something else where i can make a little spare change on the side since i will not be working my normal 40 hrs? ......

speaking of co-workers here are some fun photos.

10 April 2008

i am superman

no not really. what makes me think that day after day after day, i can wake up before eight, push through an entire full day, spend 1-2 hrs at the gym, work on homework (sometimes if i can focus), and stay up until 3am everyday?

i guess that's what saturdays and sundays are for me. a chance to catch up on sleep. oh wait! not this weekend. haha.

09 April 2008

i am allergic to cat hair

i started to sneeze in class today.

girl next to me: "are you by chance allergic to cat's?"

me: "actually yeah, i think i am."

girl next to me: "oh sorry. i just put on this sweater and it's covered with cat hair."

me: "it's okay. my mom owns two cats and they sleep on my bed. the sneezing has been a part of my life for a long time now."

07 April 2008

URINETOWN! brought to you by google

and meg's brother:

06 April 2008


why on earth is sesame street on at midnight?

is it for the drug happy friends of public broadcast television?

31 March 2008

fun times

a look back at logan: (this will make you laugh)

and now:


love my honda, i really do. just needs some work:

new tires
new windshield
both inner tie rod ends replaced
both upper ball joints.

total: 1000$

26 March 2008

i don't envy me.

BUT HEY! THE SHOW IS TOMORROW! YAY! it's gonna be good. come and see it.

...and i really don't envy me. time for my end of the semester list of things that are due really really soon (like next tuesday.)

biology paper (wed)
new testament paper (wed)
american heritage paper (wed)
media classroom lesson plan (tues)
final doc sequence (tues)
producer paper (mon)

how do these projects' due dates sneak up so friggin quick?!

ha! and all but one are due next week. that's funny. and now i'm feeling a little stressed. oh well-it's that stress which helps me find the motivation to get them done!

on a plus note, i will be able to start riding the bus full time again next week. i am excited about that. and i finally got paid for the deseret book mother's day commercial. bout time.

21 March 2008

urinetown next week!

for the seven people who visit my blog, and the one person from italy.

come to my show:

Playing in the Nelke Theater
Harris Fine Arts Building
Thursday March 27th
1pm, 2pm, & 4pm.


i hate to say it, but i realized today that one of the biggest constants in my life has been going to school. i get so excited to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but what does that mean? ...great i have a piece of paper that says i went to a higher institute of learning.

so then i got a little freaked out. one of my biggest constants is rapidly getting closer to going away. then what? do the variables take over and decided where I go next?

19 March 2008

funny story

the film student should have fellow film student friends. i have three fellow film student friends, and that is because i work with them. number of new theater student friends? .... way more than that! haha.

welcome to school (and urinetown)

I've reached that part of the semester. I have only three real weeks of school left, so all of my projects that were assigned at the beginning of the semester are quickly becoming due! ...it's okay, i'll get them done--it's just that same time of the semester. (except this time, there will be no summer break....sigh....)

urinetown is actually become a lot of fun! it's fun to play lockstock, eventhough sometimes i miss just being the silly background character that i was before. meg and i were talking about this--some of my favorite memories of shows come from being a minor role in the background. my character development is just as important as the main characters! but i just have less lines to show that development. so much fun... but lockstock is a fun part to play as well! and hopefully the audience will walk away impressed by our cast and the show as a whole.

i have so much on my mind as of late. and really my thoughts are all over the place. me going to school in the summer is opening up the door to school being done sooner. for so long i've lived in comfort. comfort of a house i don't pay for, comfort of food i don't pay for, comfort of magic laundry that gets done if i don't get around to doing it. after the summer, i actually have the option of leaving all this comfort really for the first time in my life. yeah, i lived in logan on my own, but i still was surrounded by family, living in a relative's house, in a familiar city with people, etc. where will i go? what will i do? i haven't really figured that out yet. but for me that's part of the adventure. sweet.

which brings me to my major. i've been trying to figure out what the heck i'm going to do with my media arts major? i've been helping out neal a little with les miserables and i'm also currently in a show. wait wait wait...the film kid is doing more THEATER projects than film projects!? don't tell my film teachers that. i enjoy both and appreciate them for very different reasons. i just find myself always going back to what i know better which is being around the stage rather than the screen. a "media arts" major sounds cool. it makes me sound like i'm a really well rounded individual in all the arts involving media, or some junk like that. haha.

why we study

i got an f. economics is a swear word. 42/75. hooray for me! i didn't think i would need to do the optional extra credit for the class. but that 42 needs to be a 62.

lucky for me, it was just one section on economics--now we're back to real history: the civil war.

12 March 2008

urinetown update

Dear Blog:

Today Meg called and told me that Joey had dropped the show. She offered the part of Lockstock to me.

Prepare for 2 and a half weeks of hardcore memorizing and character development.

Due: March 27th.


I am excited though.....

07 March 2008

cleaning out my closet

with the help of my favorite musicians, of course.

the evolution of nick stone continues. i look in my closet and see things that i will never wear. time to fill yet another DI bag. michelle, eat your heart out.

maybe i should start documenting the things i do with pictures. maybe then would others find joy in my mundane life. word.

04 March 2008

a late shout out

to my older brother jon. he turned 30 yesterday. i think it's safe to say he's getting older. i also think it's safe to say that he'll be okay with the late birthday shout out because of what i got him.

i also think that jon and my relationship gets better as we both get older. i always look to him for advice and as an example. plus, like michelle, much of my music likes and tastes stem from him. there are few artists that i can ever show him because he's already heard of them. and sometimes he wears stretchy pants--it's for fun.

love you jon. and props for the weight losing!

hug hug kiss kiss. big hug little kiss little kiss.

many thoughts

I get overwhemled with what to blog about because I'm constantly thinking about something.

today my thoughts are about finishing school. (as they usually are.) i've been going back and forth about making summer plans or just going to school. right now i'm back to the school thing. I figured out that if I go to school spring/summer the rest of my classes I could finish online. Which means I could go ANYWHERE for the Fall Term. I wouldn't be able to go anywhere until the end of September though because of Merry Wives, but still--this is a very nice thought!

i think that is all i have for today. life is interesting, and it seems with every passing day my life changes. i love it. and i love that I'm in a position where I can go anywhere and I can do anything. this excites me so.

20 February 2008

media: lies or truth?

So last week we had a terrible TERRIBLE snow storm which ended with it taking me 3 hrs to get from downtown salt lake to american fork. A trip which usually takes me about 30 minutes. it was frustrating, it was awful, it made me antsy to sit in my car. but was I really ultimately okay? yes. did the news make it seem like the end of the world was at the point of the mountain? yes. i think the only story that really stuck out to me was the fact that the kids were stuck at school. except we never heard the kid's side of the story. a few of them probably thought it was awesome, or maybe some were relieved that they didn't have to go to their house (ie, abusive parents, telling them about a bad meeting that just happened with their teacher, report card, etc.) all we heard was "DISASTER IN SARATOGA SPRINGS! KIDS STUCK ON BUS! HAVE TO STAY AT SCHOOL!" but really--let's be honest. they were just fine.

we study this a lot in my media class. it's called media literacy. part of this literacy idea is possessing the skills to analyze the media that is thrown in our face via email, blogs, text messaging, newspaper, television, movies, etc.

i relate this idea now to my new year's resolution of becoming more "green." what does that even mean? does the act of one person really affect (is the right "affect" or is it "effect"...i should know this...) the earth and those around us? if i believe in the butterfly effect, then my answer would have to be yes. the idea of "going green" means a lot more to me though. it means eating healthier, spending less, conserving more, being more relaxed, enjoying life as it comes my way, being more appreciative rather than negative. "going green" is more of a lifestyle change. i would relate it to being fat. if you're fat and you decide you are going to diet, ultimately the weight you lose from the diet will probably find it's way back because it was a temporary fix. to lose weight and to keep it off, you have to initiate lifestyle changes.

now switching gears and thinking about the media and the idea of being green. right now it seems as though more than ever there is a push for our society to be more green. the media would tell you that we are changing our earth's climate too rapidly from all the crap we emit into the air, all the forests we cut down, all the resources we burn, etc. now yes, i would agree that we are consuming at a much higher rate than we ever have before in history. for me it's like the kid who sees the whole bag of candy and wants to eat it all in one sitting. i get half way through and realize i have to slow down. i think that is what will happen with our society. new technological breakthroughs will happen in the next ten years guaranteed that will benefit our society and help us all be better consumers. but when it comes to the media telling us that the earth is the way it is today because of us. well DUH! thanks for pointing out the obvious. but let's give credit where credit is due. our planet is smart, it evolves with time. like the school bus story, i think that the media never gives us the WHOLE part of the story, just the part that makes the best news. brandon--you should help me out here. i really don't care if i'm proven wrong with this theory or if i'm proven right. i guess anyone can help. (it's also for my 457 blog...that's why i'm asking for the help. haha.) i'm going to start hunting for stories which give more of the whole perspective of global warming: how bad we really are, how much we can say is our fault, and how much is just the earth evolving into a new period of it's life.

to be continued.

19 February 2008

i fixed it

my blog that is.

everything else is still pretty much broken.

playing some catch up

i've been on a blog hiaetus for the past few weeks. i broke the silence to make a shout out to my brother-in-law brandon. and now i will attempt to write a summary of my life for the past couple of weeks.

- School has been keeping me busy, but school itself isn't overwhelming. My 457 class usually has something for me to be reading, or a project to be thinking about/working on, etc. That goes for my 387 class as well. There is always something that I could/should be working on whether it be chapters from the text, or a script to write coverage on. I enjoy both of the classes, so the assignments are more rewarding than other classes I've taken. I am finding out more and more that as I take higher and higher level classes, the work becomes more worth my time and I'm learning a lot more. go figure! I guess that's how it's supposed to work...

- My GE classes are a different story. Besides my New Testament reading, I really have no outside of classwork to worry about, and I usually read my NT assigned reading on the TRAX on my way to school. My first biology midterm was last week. Didn't study, got a high B. Would it have been an A if I would have spent a little time studying? ... probably. but hey B's get degrees. haha. and atleast it's not crappy Anthropology. I actually do enjoy my biology teacher and his lectures, and a lot of what we're learning now I learned in 9th grade biology, so it's just been more of a refresher course for me.

- Urinetown is been great so far. Actor's are fun people to hang out with (usually. there are a few that are sour grapes.) just because within the first rehearsal everyone is everyone's friend. There have been a couple of moments where I wonder the background of some of the actors. Great people! just with a different theater background than my own. I'm not saying I"m a great actor. Actually i'm not saying that at all because I'm not. But I feel like for the most part I have had some great basic acting training when it comes to basic acting etiquette. I still have my sheet from high school that neal gave us. I love the director Meg. She just has a great energy that is fun to be around. I'm glad to be doing the show!

- I'm going to Denver this weekend for one of my fun jaunts. My friend Matt invited me out to visit him and see a show, so hey why not! Michelle may be a bit jealous because he lives in Boulder. haha. I'll take some pictures of your future city. Denver is also the cheapest place to fly out of Salt Lake City. And now that I have a friend who lives in the Denver Area, I look forward to many Red Rocks concerts because we'll have a place to stay for free! (get ready stacey...) Matt is my friend who I did an audio documentary about for class--I'll try to figure out how to post it on my blog...because I think it's really good.

- This week we are prepping for our two (well three, but I won't be a part of Wednesday because of class in SLC) shoot days for the promo film for BYU. I have been assigned to find "pretty people." On friday I walked around campus and basically recruited people for the shoot. I've emailed everyone, and hopefully some of them come ready to be "featured extras." Haha. Shoot days are very tiring, but very rewarding. A crew from the Motion Picture Studio is hired and it's a great experience to be able to work with a professional film crew. Who is glad they left their cushy speeches job to come work for University Communications? I am, I am! I don't know how it is, but I always end up getting the coolest work opportunities. I hope this is a trend that continues through out my entire life.

-That's all for now. Things for a maybe future post will include how amazingly bad I am at guitar hero, and how I'm not getting any better; An actual interest to utilize the real guitar at my house and begin taking real lessons; and some summer fun.

17 February 2008

to my brother in law....

Happy Birthday.

09 February 2008


and so was his little black drummer chick.  waiting two hours in the cold was really worth it.

08 February 2008

2 weeks of no blogging

long time gone here on the old blog. i think the fact that there has been so much snow has affected my ability to focus my thoughts into text because there is SO MUCH SNOW! I've lived in cold weather, but never a place where this much snow has fallen. Folks who have lived here their whole lives say though that this winter has been more like the winters they remember growing up. If that is the case, props to them. It's pretty, and yes it's warmer when it is able to snow, but it just gets annoying to drive in.

aside from that. life continues to stay busy. this semester is both busy and not busy at the same time. i have busy moments, but i can always make time for other things that may spring up (like driving to vernal to sing at a funeral...). or concerts! tonight i'm going to mika at in the venue. i will probably leave smelling like smoke (since i think in the venue now has that smell creeping out from its walls) but i'm actually excited.

i got my little sister hooked on vitamin water. makes me a little excited. if only she will stick to that and not start drinking coke or whatever, her teeth will thank her later!

that's all for now! oh and for those of you who LOVE what i write. (haha) i have to keep a blog for my media class. Click HERE and it will take you there.

27 January 2008

sundance...the rest.

i'm too tired to type about the rest of sundance.  you can refer to this post to hear about some others i saw.  i share similar feelings with melanie, and i hope phoebe in wonderland finds a distributor to pick it up.  

yesterday i went up for a final hoorah.  riley, megan, and i headed up for the final day of screenings before the awards today.  we saw a shorts program.  i really enjoyed the shorts program!   i think next year i'll try to see them all.  it's great because you see 7 short films and if you don't like one, you know it will be over soon.  loved it!  riley and megan are what I would call benefits from working at publications and graphics.  they are interns for byu magazine and a whole lotta fun!

every year i have a mini post-mortum (sp?) about my sundance experience and what i will do differently for the following year: 

#1.)  Next winter might very well be the last winter I live in Utah permanently so I think I am going to try and get a job with the festival.  I was talking with a few of the workers yesterday and they can basically get into any movie they want to see for free.  (with a few exceptions and such.)  and if i can get a job with them for the festival maybe that can transcribe into a yearly position.  (i was surprised to see how many workers at the festival were from out of town.)

#2.) if i don't work as an employee, i am getting the pass where credentials are part of the package.  there are some fun music events i missed out on because i didn't have a credential.  but if i'm working i automatically get one.  yay.

#3.)  see the 4 shorts programs.  there are four of them so it's like seeing 28 films.  they have to choose from over 5100 short films.  i was impressed.  

goodbye sundance film festival 2008.  see you next year.

21 January 2008

Sundance 2008: Day 1

Technically it's like Day Three? Whatever. Day one for me:

Madison and I got up at the crack of dawn and drove to Park City for the 9:15 screening of "The Wackness." I don't know how much I want to comment on the films I see. I really enjoyed this film though. It was funny and lighthearted about serious problems ie: girls/dating, drugs, alcohol, parents. As I was watching this, I couldn't figure out where I'd seen the lead guy. And then I remembered that he's from one of Emily's shows on Nickelodeon. No, Emily. You cannot see this movie.

Blurb from the Sundance Booklet:

Main Characters attending: (click name to see photo from imdb)

Sir Ben Kingsley (the one and only)
Josh Peck (emily's nickelodeon boyfriend)
Olivia Thirlby (also did juno. good for her for getting a bigger part)

Main Characters not in attendance of the screening:
Mary-Kate Olsen (in pc, just not at the screening)
Method Man (don't really care)
Famke Janssen (would have liked to ask her about X3.)

Park City was insanely warm. Kind of the calm before the storm. It was so pleasant to be up there just walking around. One thing when I hang out with Madison is that there doesn't seem to be rules about where we can and can't go. haha. Something more of a characteristic he has and I don't. But we ran into some fun stars probably as a result of this. He and his sis saw a lot more after I left to go to my second film.

We also attended an Avid Workshop. My new boss told me that if I went to any Avid workshops or demos while I was at the festival I could consider it work, and count the hours for work. word. I wonder how she'll feel when I say the workshop was on sunday. haha. The place where the workshop was held has some really cool pieces of art technology I guess you would call it. I really can't describe it, but nonetheless really fun.

The final list for Sunday:

Dennis Quaid (a couple times)
Paul Giamatti (a couple times as well)
Jack Black
Jared Leto
William H. Macy (but no wife)
Adrian Grenier (I also saw him in New York driving a jalopy stopped in front of Yankee Stadium the day I was denied entrance.)
Dylan Walsh
Tim Daly
Eddie Redmayne

No Julianne Moore at my second screening of "Savage Grace." I was hoping maybe...just maybe. Whit and I went and saw this film at the Rose Wagner Theater in Salt Lake. It is a perfect example of some of the out there films that are screened at the festival. this movie was OUT THERE. It was based on a true story which made it even creepier. I'm not really going to go into to much detail because I like my blog to remain lower than PG. Even posting the Sundance Booklet description might make my blog PG-13. Sorry Michelle. Don't read this one.

Final Conclusion from Sunday -- My Day 1:

The weather gave me hope for future trips to Park City for the festival. It may have just been a lucky fluke, but it was SO pleasant to be up there. Don't me wrong. Last year was a lot of fun as well, just butt-ice cold.

Free Sundance Swag is fun. I have a new black bag which really can be used as a replacement/reusable shopping bag. I used it to put all my free crap in, and maybe it will be my new Tues/Thursday School Bag. Until it rips or something. haha.

Where the heck were all the lady movie stars? No Mandy Moore for me this year.

Films left to see: 5 for sure. Maybe 6 if I successfully wait list.

18 January 2008

22 and up.

today i did an adult thing:

i've decided that direct deposit is a great thing. i never really look at how much gets put in... (i just have learned what the average is for my normal paycheck.) well i decided to use this to my advantage. i consolidated all my accounts today by closing my zion's account and uccu accounts and opening a chase account. (i did this for a few reasons. mainly because i don't really care for uccu.) anyway. after doing that i decided to open up two other accounts at chase as well. a new savings account (which happens usually by default anyway) and another investment account. my savings account will have money deducted from my paycheck every month, as well as this new investment account. it's not a ton of money each month, but for what i make as a student I think it's a start. and the beauty of it all? it may seem like i'm getting less money every month, but i'll adapt. and since it's automatic it will actually happen because me saying i'll do it and having a computer do it are two very different things :)

why the sudden change of responsibility? well one, i live at home and should be saving money. it's a plus for living at home! also, hopefully if all goes according to plan, by this time next year I'll be starting to look at post-graduation opportunities and jobs, and having a little money saved will probably come in handy.


13 January 2008

to do this week:

cancel tivo service. (that or buy a new box)
finish reading Indy 3 script (oh crap i need to do that tonight since it's due tomorrow.)
consolidate bank accounts. (why is the zion account even open still? it has 3.50 in the checking account.)
create school blog.
get emmy's piano books.
have fun PnG party. (that's Publications and Graphics)
record music w/ meeshy

yeah probably in that order.

12 January 2008

first week analysis

again, this semester is going to take on different characteristics than previous ones. i am enrolled in 5 classes, which is a good load for the winter time. two on byu's main campus, and three at the salt lake center.

main campus:

tma 387: advanced producing. this is going to be a great class! and tom is a great teacher. there will be a lot of script reading and coverages, a lot of following hollywood trends, and just fun creative activities.

tma 457: media in the contemporary classroom. this class requires a blog, along with some creative audio podcasting and 3 minutes docs filmed on $300 dollar cameras and editied in iMovie. (all things that could be used and taught in today's classroom.) the only interesting factor about this class is I'm the only guy. let the fun begin!

salt lake center:

rel 211: a different take on the new testament. the teacher is fluent in greek and latin and will be using older versions of the bible to compare to what is in the KJV. should be fun...there is only 12 people in the class compared to the usual 50+ at provo campus.

biol 100: another GE. my teacher said and i quote "i would recommend checking out the test from the library a week or so before the exam. it may benefit you..." haha. should be a fun class. 45 people compared to the 250+ classrooms in provo.

ahtg 100: GE. i like history enough that this class should be enjoyable. and it's not as assignment heavy as the provo campus american hertiage class. 23 people in this class compared to the 250+ in provo.

so there you have it folks! the beginning of an interesting semester. no classes on friday either!

oh and ps: i love my new job.

09 January 2008

bare with me...

my new blog interface is still a work in progress. i haven't found the perfect look for '08 yet.

06 January 2008

it's the beginning...of the end!

2008 will mark a change in schooling for me...mainly because i am going to also enroll in summer school. so the only real break i will have from school is in august when there is three weeks of conferences going on between the end of the summer term and the beginning of the fall term. i don't exactly know how i'll hold up. (i mean i know i'll be able to do it. i'm a smart kid :) ) so we'll see. if for nothing more 2008 will have new and exciting school experiences. the nice thing about this semester is that i don't have classes fridays, and if i sign up for the creative producing class, it meets only mondays in the afternoon. so i can take fun weekend trips (my specialty.)

on another note, i start riding the bus tomorrow! thank heavens.

04 January 2008

the new year's gang.

so much fun. this is us at squatters. stacey and i actually look like a legitimate couple.

grad school

i've told myself that after i graduate from college, i'll probably be done with school forever. i would like to amend that answer. going to college and getting a bachelor's degree i think is great and accomplishes the whole goal of "going to college." After that I think that graduate studies shouldn't be considered solely on the fact that a masters degree or PhD opens up more doors. You should want to go because you are passionate about whatever you are studying. With that said, my amended post undergrad school consideration will be as follows. "If I go to school again, it will be at a school with an awesome program that caters to what I want to learn. I will not go to grad school just to go to grad school."

This is one of very few schools that I would consider:


02 January 2008

sundance 2008

So thanks to some miracle, I will get to attempt to buy tickets (up to 20) for sundance 08--this Sunday at 1pm. If anyone wants me to try to get them some tickets, I don't plan on using all twenty. Let me know! And if you want to be my date for any of them, let me know that as well :). I can pretty much do any day/night but Wednesdays.

I'm so excited!