20 April 2008

i reach a point

where i can no longer focus on what i need to get done. i have reached this point.

so i pushed random, and laid down. this is much better.

18 April 2008

Happy Birthday Madison!

Too bad you missed your birthday party!

Whitney and I went to the mall to get sunglasses, had lunch at wingers, went to FYE, the DI, tanning (so I don't burn next week in california), and ate a ben's cookie.

Here are some photos from the fun:

Every once and a while I get a photo of myself that I actually really like. Today was one of those days:

14 April 2008

summer plans

this picture is of me sitting here at 11:35 with an empty house and annoying cats at the kitchen counter editing my 457 class on my amazing macbook pro. (VERY LONG RUN ON SENTENCE!)

i am only allowed to work 20 hrs a week again this spring summer since i am enrolled in classes. or at least that is what people are telling me. i've been thinking maybe i will get a second summer job where i can work 2 or 3 or even just once a week. something more for a social interaction outlet. don't get me wrong, i love my co-workers, but there is something to be said about working in a small room with no windows staring at a computer as you edit video....

i know that the castle usually offers this sort of social interaction i desire, and i plan on it doing just that-- but what about something else where i can make a little spare change on the side since i will not be working my normal 40 hrs? ......

speaking of co-workers here are some fun photos.

10 April 2008

i am superman

no not really. what makes me think that day after day after day, i can wake up before eight, push through an entire full day, spend 1-2 hrs at the gym, work on homework (sometimes if i can focus), and stay up until 3am everyday?

i guess that's what saturdays and sundays are for me. a chance to catch up on sleep. oh wait! not this weekend. haha.

09 April 2008

i am allergic to cat hair

i started to sneeze in class today.

girl next to me: "are you by chance allergic to cat's?"

me: "actually yeah, i think i am."

girl next to me: "oh sorry. i just put on this sweater and it's covered with cat hair."

me: "it's okay. my mom owns two cats and they sleep on my bed. the sneezing has been a part of my life for a long time now."

07 April 2008

URINETOWN! brought to you by google

and meg's brother:

06 April 2008


why on earth is sesame street on at midnight?

is it for the drug happy friends of public broadcast television?