16 January 2007

to do...

things to accomplish for the semester (a lot of these things before march 20th):

-create a biographical introduction of myself including my family background in one paragraph, BYU educational goals and what I hope to gain from the Media Arts program, my entry-level career goals along with long-term career goals, and one practical skill to be developed while enrolled in the program.

-Complete TMA 102 and TMA 112 with a B or better.

-Resume (easy)

- Semester-by semester graduation plan

-Signed list of Media Arts Electives

-Alternate semester by semester graduation plan

-Current progress report

-A list of 10 most significant books, film, tv shows, websites, video games and why they have value to me.

-5 creative project ideas to be completed while in the program

-3 critical analysis of classic cinema movies to demostrate skills developed in TMA 102.

-Creative work sample. 3 minute max original video written, directed, and edited by me.

-Write up of creative work sample.

I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed. I think that they have such a huge application process to weed out the applicants who are saying in their mind "movies are cool. i wanna major in movies." hopefully all this hard work won't be in vain. And I won't know until after my grades are posted. This is going to definitely be an interesting and tough semester.