27 January 2007

i like life, it's something to do...

This saying comes from my friend's ex-boyfriend. nice guy. great saying. don't know where he stole it from, but great saying. today is a fine example of this quote...

usually i'm bored once friday comes and work a minimal amount of hours before i leave early to go play. well today was quite different. i got to work and started working on a few projects between the psychology video and the marriot school of business video. we took a break at 2:30 because my boss, charles, wanted to just sing for fun. so we plugged the keyboard into my computer and rounded up some singers and just free-sang some songs he had. random 30 minutes.

well at about 4 or so, we had "the talk." now a few posts before i said that charles was giving me more to do in hopes to be able to keep me aboard once he leaves. well the word on the street is that once he leaves the department is going to focus more on print and stray away from the video and audio stuff while charles is in russia. basically he told me that no faculty member wants to take on the responsibility of being the "head" of these videos when really i would be doing all the work. he basically told me that it's not for certain that my position will dissolve this summer but his hopes were not high for me. charles is a great boss, and kept apologizing to me. it was kind of funny. he probably said one of the nicest things a boss has ever said to me: "i feel like the department will be losing one of it's biggest assets in the division of student employees. i've never seen anyone catch on to new programs and have the ability to teach themselves something completely new as fast as you." it was a very validating moment for me. *tear*

this new turn in my life got my brain churning about what i will be doing come summertime. i probably won't find an on campus job as amazing as what i'm doing now and that pays as well so i'll probably search for something off campus but close to campus. but i also took the opportunity to look at some internships that looked very appealing. and while doing that, stumbled upon the ces page to apply as an efy counselor. you heard it right...

so i did just that. i applied to be a counselor. my expectations of being hired are small and slim, but why not try? i feel like I'm old enough to offer kids who are still in high school my own personal insight to life lessons i've had to learn and my insights to the gospel, but also young enough to have a lot of fun and show them a good time. the desire to impact others as a teacher or counselor must run in the family. my dad does it for a living, my brother is in pursuit to become one, and my sister does it through music. i feel like i have a lot to bring to the table as a "camp" counselor and even if it means only impacting one person then it would be worth it. i hope the whole "x-rm" thing wouldn't be the reason they say no because i would find that to be a load of bunk.

well then to finish off the night, i played a little zelda on gamecube and some pinochle. see...i like life, it's something to do...


jonstone said...

Cool! I hope that works out for you. If not--we can just chalk it up on the top ten reasons that we wish the people in CES would go jump in the lake.

Michelle said...

amen to that brotha. :)

sorry about the sound job thing. dang those byu-ians!

If the efy thing doesn't work out, I'm sure you're very employable, perhaps in something sound-ish. We know a guy from bainbridge who has his own movie gig...I want to say he's a director..splits his time up there, in provo, and in l.a. we want to chat with him, see if he has any buddies that could hook you up with something.
check out telosfilms.com