30 December 2007

things i love about utah:

One of the things that I try to do (and fail miserably at most of the time) is no matter what to find the good in people, places, things, etc. i gripe and moan about living in utah a lot of the time. it has its quirks--no doubt about it. sometimes i have good reasoning to complain, but other times i don't. over the break i've had some moments of "utah is great!" here they are:

1. for the first time since i moved here I went sledding today up american fork canyon. apparently it's this amazing popular place called the bowl. everyone goes, but i never have! so i made everyone get together and go with me. it was great! it was nice snow and not the icy kind at happy jack up the summit in laramie. and then we went on a little wilderness trek through the snow and in some spots it would come up mid thigh. i haven't had that much fun in the snow in a long time--in fact i think ever.

2. salt lake is a clean downtown. been up there both days this weekend. if i were to get a job with #3 or something related i think i would be okay living in the downtown area of salt lake. at least for a while.

3. sundance. had a TON of fun last year. hopefully I will get my hands on some tickets for this year since i spaced signing up for the utah locals ticket sales. i have some sources. i'm not too worried.

4. wasatch front. the mountains are gorgeous. especially right now when they are covered in snow.

5. opportunity. moving to utah has given me opportunities that i know wyoming would have never been able to offer. i figured out what i really want to do when i "grow up" or maybe i should say graduate from college because of what i've been able to involve myself with here. plus i've made some great, great friends because of it.

and the countdown continues: t-minus 1.5 years until graduation.


Ace said...

I think I want to take the boys sledding tomorrow for the holiday and I am unaware of your place. I'll be calling you for more details.