05 March 2007


This is the first rough cut of my application video which I will be handing in to the department in 10 days along with all the other crap I've mentioned in earlier posts. I have to admit, it's not what I saw being created but ultimately it will get the same message across. I think it's unique and different than anything else they'll get.

PS when i say rough cut, I mean the video is pretty much locked, but the audio is yet to be worked on. I have ten days....plenty of time. haha.


Melanie Hess said...

Great job, Pickle! I'm so impressed! It's really different than I expected, but it turned out really well!

Michelle said...

pretty great. I liked 3 parts best:
the david and chelsey part, the paul part, and the part where you still squeezed in some vickie's ads, even though you were threathened by them. (who was the dancer, by the way? are you going to have any doomsday music when he sees the low battery sign?)

I'll be excited to see the very finished project. how's the rest of the application going?