20 August 2007

today tech week continues over from last thursday. i am completely exhausted, as to be expected. tech week's are known for how terrible they are. i think the sound designer is the pain in my side right now. when asked almost three weeks ago if we needed to sit down and work through what barta wanted his response was "no i'll be good for tech." bad news. the thing that takes the cake is his version of being ready. saturday he told me he was "ready." well ready to me should be "okay sound 1 standy, sound 1 go" etc, or something close to that. instead, he has a bunch of buttons on his screen that he's going to push to create a "masterpiece" and basically live mixed cues every night. this concerns me for more than one reason, but mainly because he is really the only one that can run sound. if he were to die tomorrow, we would be up a creek. (well i could probably finagle it to work, but that's beside the point.) yes, this makes me nervous. yes, i lose sleep over this. but, like it always seems to happen, come thursday we will pull through somehow.

for now, i'm in a heightened state emotion.


Melanie said...

Just remember this. . . "sound guy" is not worth your stress. If he ruins the sound it's SO not your fault.

Remember to eat. And drink lots of water. The castle is a dehydrating place.

Also, get some sleep. Even if you have to take a Unisom before bed. I always have tech week nightmares that keep me from getting a good night's sleep and that just makes things worse.

Witten said...

I know the feeling of depending on other people and hoping with all your heart that they don't fail, despite the ever present evidence that they very well could... and if they do, it WILL be ugly.

Hopefully you don't have to take over and stress out about fixing everything!

Sorry Nicky! Let me know a good night to come see it!

oh and maybe where it is...?? :)
Love ya