13 May 2008


06 May 2008

class 9am- 6:30 pm

with one break from 2-3:30. I usually go to work.

but you know what? i'm realizing something -- it's not biology and it's not american heritage. i actually enjoy what i'm learning. here is a break down

391 -- film theory. basically we sit around and talk about film theorists and how film is more than just watching a film but that there is SO MUCH more going on. it's more of a philosophy class about people/culture interactions etc. it's a great class and since it's all about theory and philosophy, all of the assignments are such that there really is no wrong answer. tough as hell, but i'm learning a lot.

291 -- film history I. we have started from the beginning and are slowly working our way through the creation of film and by june we'll get to around the golden age of cinema which is during the war time. this class is awesome. we watch films that all "film people" should have under their belts, we talk about the important people and the important influences. again -- lovin it so far.

293 -- documentary history. documentary is conversation about ideas. you can talk about it in terms of rhetoric, structure, access, etc. it's awesome. watch docs, then talk about them. also lovin it.

7 more weeks of this! oh and throw in the Apple WWDC from june 9-13th. the week before this term ends. ha! i'll talk more about that as we get closer....

04 May 2008

a long silence

Finally! Some photos from my weekend in california. My new friends we met down there posted some photos on facebook.

To put it in a nutshell. The three days of music was non-stop amazing fun. And meeting these four girls was pretty awesome! Nothing like having new friends in Chicago. Oh and yes, the man standing behind matt is David Hasselhoff. SUCH a fun weekend. Maybe again next year?

For the rest of you: if you want me to hear about the weekend, call me. I'll tell you all about it. :)